SErve Team

7 requests met, 12 children
 served,economic impact $8,327

-AZ 127 Care Portal Numbers 

20 Foster moms were able to
have a night out together.

-AZ 127 Mom's Night Out

20 Foster Families served,
58 kids received free clothing

-AZ 127 Foster Family Support Day 

Multiple properties
prepped for the coming flood season

-Flood Prep Serve Day 

We serve our City Because we Love our city

Our serve team serves the city of Flagstaff in multiple on a regular basis. We serve others because Jesus came to serve others. 

"just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve..."

HOw we SErve

Our serve trailers deliver clothing to families in need in our city.
AZ 127
We serve alongside AZ 127, helping children in foster care. Providing the children and families with that they need in this season of transition and new beginnings. 
Assisted Living
We serve at assisted living facilities all across Flagstaff. Engaging in games, music, fellowship and prayer with the residence.
City of Flagstaff
We serve our city as they need help with projects at schools, parks, and other areas throughout our city.
Local Churches and Christian Organizations
We serve alongside other churches and christian organizations in our city because we believe we are better together. 

We are better Together

Complete this form and our outreach coordinator will reach out to you.